Source code for consensys_utils.gunicorn.config


    Declares new settings for Gunicorn application

    :copyright: Copyright 2017 by ConsenSys France.
    :license: BSD, see :ref:`license` for more details.

from gunicorn.config import Setting, validate_dict, Config as _Config

class LoggingConfig(Setting):
    """Custom setting for ``logging`` configuration"""
    name = "logging"
    section = "Logging"
    validator = validate_dict
    default = {}
    desc = """\
    The logging config to use.

class WSGIConfig(Setting):
    """Custom setting for ``wsgi`` configuration"""
    name = "wsgi"
    section = "WSGI"
    validator = validate_dict
    default = {}
    desc = """\
    The WSGI config to use.

[docs]class Config(_Config): """Gunicorn Configuration that ensures next settings are correctly discovered - :meth:`LoggingConfig` - :meth:`WSGIConfig` """